Eden Joy was a proud recipient of the B.O.S.S Lady of the year award from the JBDC in 2021!

Eden Joy, coaches for healthy lifestyle and is committed to educating families about making holistic life changing nutritional and spiritual decisions in accordance with the dietary and health laws of Leviticus 11.
​We are family owned, situated in Central Jamaica, where we operate a holistic health store, a water distribution project and vegan food manufacturing.
It's simply a matter of life!
About the Founder
My name is Elorine Turner-Pryce
This is my life...
I'm Elorine and I'm a stage 2 invasive breast cancer survivor.
​I am an author, motivator, rehabilitative researcher, holistic clinical nutritionist and lifestyle coach, certified holistic raw food chef.
I am on a mission to educate women and families using holistic nutrition for ultimate survival and long life.
​I have developed a range of natural foods, cosmetics made from Jamaican foods, and authored many books to help you on the journey.
​I want to join your support groups, churches, schools and business organizations and you on your survival mission.
Send me an email at either edenjoyliving@gmail.com or edenjoy1999@gmail.com.
You can also leave a comment on my blog at edenjoy1999.blogspot.com
​Many Blessings